Together We Can Make A Difference
Thank you for your service
For those who served, we still need you.
Our current online donations are under maintenance. If you want to bring donations to our location, we are currently taking storable foods, bikes, bags, and clothes limited to socks, underwear, and all-male pants sizes.
Donations allow Veterans One Stop to offer services to the men and women who served this country and their families.
Our military men and women didn’t face their mission alone while serving their country and should not have to do it alone while adjusting to civilian life.
Our volunteers receive training through the Military Veterans Peer Network (MVPN). They complete a basic course on how to work with veterans and their families. Since most of our volunteers are veterans, a greater understanding of the issues and military culture is evident. Our volunteers can also apply for additional training hosted annually with local partners such as the Center of Excellence on Returning War Veterans.
Here is Dr. John Knue, one of our MVPN Volunteer Trainers, retired Air Force, and volunteer Kitchen Angel.

Trust, Hope, & Camaraderie
The military veterans peer network
The Military Veterans Peer Network is a group of veterans and veteran family members committed to supporting former service members by offering mentorship and guidance and help to access the services and resources available.
Become a sponsor
Be a Hero to Heroes
Our sponsors make everything we do at the Veterans One Stop possible. Let us know if you are a company, organization, or individual looking to get involved as a Sponsor.